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Customer Testimonials

 "DCM has been a valued partner for more than a decade and over several engagements. DCM provides solid delivery sources, simple processes and over-the-top communication to understand their Customer needs. The DCM organization embodies the top partner qualities that Logicalis desires all of their partners to strive for."

- Logicalis

"DCM services and candidates have been exemplary and we have had an ongoing business relationship with them since the inception of MVP Consulting Plus in 2002. We would definitely recommend them to any clients."
- MVP Consulting Plus

"We are associated with the DCM Infotech for complete management of our Data Center operations and are extremely satisfied with their services and technical expertise."
- Hero MotoCorp Ltd.

"We express our satisfaction in your services and highly appreciate your onsite engineer for their professional commitment and attitude in working with LG."
- LG Electronics

"We are extremely satisfied with the quick support and services of M/S DCM Infotech in the area of Enterprise Backup solutions with the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager "
- Sony India Ltd

"DCM was involved in successfully implementing TSM at both our Kolkata and Delhi sites in 2014. They implemented TSM for our ERP platforms, virtual machine platforms and multiple databases. We found their team to be very knowledgeable and cooperative. We were happy with their overall performance during the implementation "
- MJunction

"Since our production system run on AIX we needed a company that is able to meet our requirements and help us improve the monitoring and management processes around AIX infrastructure. DCM has been able to meet our requirements satisfactorily.Our experience so far has been good and we are satisfied with the services provided by them." 
- Mother Dairy

"With DCM ’s help we are now able to manage " Asset, Inventory, Patch,Remote OS deployment , Software distribution , Compliance and AV management" for the entire end user environment. Our experience with them ha sgiven us confidence to consider rolling out the solution globally".
- Pay U

"DCM’s team deployed at IGL to support our Infrastructure and data center activities has exhibited great potential, knowledge and positive attitude in executing assigned tasks. They proved to be dedicated and sinceres resources performing system administration tasks and trouble shooting of errors. "
- IGL 

"It is to acknowledge that DCM Infotech  is hosting our applications on IBM cloud effective from October 2016 and our experience this far has been good and satisfying with thier services".
- BLS International
Our Clients